Reptile Art at Happy Gecko Sticky Situation.

If you haven’t discovered Happy Gecko Sticky Situation, definitely check out their Etsy shop. I won’t lie; I didn’t get it at first. Owner and artist Rachel Wintjen was making adorable reptile stickers, but I could not think of anything that I would do with a sticker. Magnets, sure; my partner is really oddly obsessed with magnets to the point that he has gotten them “for me” as gifts, and so I could always use a cute magnet to toss his way. But stickers?

Rachel did branch out into magnets. And t-shirts. And different kinds of sticky things, like static clings, or things that I’m still not entirely sure what they are beyond very cute.

Beyond that, I have a sort of magical relationship to the shop, and yes, I am fully aware that it sounds crazy. It seems, however, to be moving beyond mere coincidence.

It started with the t-shirts. They were released for a finite period of orders (as happens when you are the designer of the logos but not yourself manufacturing the shirts themselves), and since I had just gained a fair chunk of extra weight, I wanted to be careful about getting my size right and only order one for myself to see how it fit. I picked out a red harley that reminded me of Distiller’s Edition for myself and a red garg for my partner to represent his gargoyle gecko, Hugo.


At the time, we were shopping for a pet-only leachie, and although we planned to get one in the near future, I couldn’t figure out if it was weird to order a leachie t-shirt without owning one (yes, I see in hindsight how unbelievably neurotic that is, but I’m a neurotic person). Very soon after, we found Pajamas/Stumpy Anne, and guess who she looks like:

That’s right – the Happy Gecko Sticky Situation leachie (not posed to resemble the sticker – we discovered this much later).


I’ve mentioned my partner’s fondness for magnets. I ordered him the above geckos as well as an albino hognose because we both really like them. Immediately after, we found a great price on:

I sense that my readers do not spook easily. After all, two cartoon designs purportedly portending imminent reptile purchases is hardly a pattern worth acknowledging.


As you well know, I have been searching for geckos for Project Red Lyric. One day, Rachel came out with the following design:

I snapped it up. Surely, if I purchased this magnet, I would find my gecko.
And before it even shipped, I found Troubles (photo by Scaredy Cat Geckos):
Troubles sale pic

Magic, people, magic.


This is why I am waiting until we are in a bigger house to buy any of the tegu products:



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